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Review of North Korean Studies, Vol.25, No.1 Published

2022-05-02 18:03
1. North Korea’s Economic Reform Dynamics: Park Pong Ju’s 1st Cabinet (2003~2007) and 2nd Cabinet (2013~2020)

Lee, Myeong-hun (Dongguk University)


2. A Comparative Study of Economic Reform Measures in the Kim Jong Il and Kim Jong Un Eras

Lim, Sarah (University of North Korean Studies)·

Yang, Moonsoo (University of North Korean Studies)


3. A Study on Changes in North Korea’s Heroic Politics and Its Factors: A Historical Institutionalist Analysis

Song, Hyeonjin (Ewha Womans University)


4. Structural Subordination and Limits of Autonomy: A Study on Inter-Korean Relations

Chung, Youngchul (Sogang University)


5. A Study on the Demands and Changes of the Juche Psychology in North Korea

Lee, Hyungjong (Kyungnam University)


6. On the North Korean Geographical Names from the Perspective of Language Purification: Focusing on the Contents of Munhwa-eo hakseup

Seo, Minjung (Keio University)


7. Survivalist North Korea’s Selective Tourism Development: Kim Jong Un’s Leadership Legitimacy

Dean J. Ouellette (Kyungnam University)



Visit the link below for PDFs of these articles.
