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Review of North Korean Studies, Vol.22, No.3 Published

2019-12-31 14:56
1. 1956 August Plenum Incident Revisited: Kim Il-sung’s Cadre Policy for ‘Divide and Rule’
- Kim, GyuBeom (Peking University)
2. The Establishment of the Korean People’s Army and the Origin of Kim Il-sung’s Monolithic Leadership System
- Kim, Seon-ho (Institute for Military History, MND)
3. A Study on Kim Jong-un’s Coercive Diplomacy and Nuclear Weapons
- Lee, Jongjoo (University of North Korean Studies)
4. Analysis of the Appearance of the Name ‘Kim Jong-suk’ in the Women’s Magazine Joseon Nyeoseong
- Kim, Seok-Hyang (Ewha Womans University)
- Park, Min-Ju (Ulsan Women and Family Development Institute)
5. Searching for a New ‘Contact Zone,’ Intangible Cultural Heritage: ‘Ssireum’ as Intangible Cultural Heritage
- Lee, Woo Young (University of North Korean Studies)
- Nam, Bo-Ra (University of North Korean Studies)
6. Inter-Korean Diplomatic Competition and the June 23 Declaration
- Shin, Jong-dae (University of North Korean Studies)

Visit the link below for PDFs of these articles.