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박후건 교수


02-3700-0750 parkphillip@kyungnam.ac.kr
북한경제, 개발경제, 동북아경제
1982.08.21.-1986.05.17.Buena Park High School (USA California Buena Park)
1986.08.23.-1991.05.24.University of California, Berkeley / Economics Major (B.A. in Economics)
1992.09.05.-1997.12.13.University of California, Riveriside / Economics Major (Ph.D. in Economics)

1998.08.01.-2000.05.31.Visiting Fellow in Korean Studies, Dept. of East Asia, Columbia University
2000.07.01.-2001.07.31.Consultant, Boston Consulting Group (Seoul Office)
2001.07.01.-2003.06.30.Visitng Assistant Professor, KDI School of Public Policy and Management
2003.07.01.-2005.04.30.Fellow, Koera National Strategy Institute
2005.04.01.-2008.03.31.Associate Professor, School of International and Liberal Studies, Waseda University
2008.03.01.-2025.02.28.Professor, Dept. of Political Science and Diplomacy, Kyungnam University
박사학위논문, “The Development Strategy of Self-Reliance (Juche) and Rural Development in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea”, University of California, Riverside, 1997.10, 223.
“The Cause of Acute Food Crisis in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea” 1998, Critical Asian Studies (Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars), vol. 30, no.4, pp. 24-34
“The Future of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea: From an Institutionalist Perspective,” 2001, The Journal of Contemporary Asia, vol. 3, no.1, pp. 104–120
“The Collapse of the Flying-Geese Development Model: Coming of New Order in East Asia and a Foreign Policy Alternative Consideration for Republic of Korea” December 2009, The Review of Korean Studies, vol. 12, no.4, pp. 155-180
“Helsinki Accord and the Problems of Its Application to Korean Peninsula” (in Korean), spring 2010 역사비평 (Critical Review of History), vol. 90, no. 1, pp. 469-500
“Succession in the DPRK and Prospect of Change in North Korean Politics after Kim Jong Il,” (in Korean), Winter 2010 –현대북한연구 (Review of North Korean Studies) vol. 13, no.3, pp. 83-118
“Rethinking PRC-DPRK Relations in the context of Beijing Consensus” (in Korean), winter 2011 –북한연구학회보 (Journal for the Korea Association of North Korean Studies) vol. 15, no.2, pp. 141-166
“From Monolithic Totalitarian to Collective Authoritarian Leadership? Performance-Based Legitimacy and Power Transfer in North Korea,” with Rudiger Frank -Fall 2012 – Review of North Korean Studies, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 32-49
“Re-constitution of the DPRK Economy - part I” (in Korean), winter 2013 현대북한연구 (Review of North Korean Studies) vol. 16, no.3, pp. 214-271
“Re-constitution of the DPRK Economy - part II,” (in Korean), winter 2014 현대북한연구 (Review of North Korean Studies) vol. 17, no.3, pp. 176-232
“Have the DPRK overcome the ‘Arduous March’” (in Korean), summer 2018, 북한연구학학보 (Journal for the Korea Association of North Korean Studies) vol. 22, no.1, pp. 227-254
“The Evolution of North Korean Economic System: From Centrally Planned System to the Socialist Enterprise Responsibility System” (In Korean), summer 2018, 현대북한연구 (Review of North Korean Studies) vol. 21, no.2, pp. 94-127
“The Process of Marketisation and Economic Realities in the DPRK,”, Asian Studies Review, vol. 48, no. 3, pp. 524-543
Self-Reliance or Self-Destruction? success and failure of development strategy of self-reliance (Juche) in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group), February 2002, 156 [저서]
중립화노선과 한반도의 미래, 선인출판사, 2007.05, 288 [저서]
Dynamics of Change in North Korea: an institutionalist perspective, IFES/Lynn Rienner, August 2009, 311. [편저]
유일체제 리더십: 잭 웰치, 이건희, 김정일 리더십의 비밀, 선인출판사, 2008.10, 287 [저서]
북한경제의 재구성 (1945-2010), 선인출판사, 2015.04, 290 [저서]
Rebuilding North Korea’s Economy: Politics and Policy, IFES/Lynn Rienner, August 1, 2016.03, 256 [저서]
DPRK의경제건설과경제관리체제의 진화 (1949-2019), 선인출판사, 2019.11, 253 [저서]
History of Economic Management in North Korea: from Centrally Planned Economy to Socialist Enterprise System, Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group), September 1, 2024, 225 [저서]